Two's Complement Calculator

About Two's Complement?

To get the two's complement of amy value, first you need to convert the given value into binary and then do the one's complement and then add 1 to that one's complement then you get the result which is a 2's complement value.

Our Two's Complement Calculator allows you to convert any value like (binary, decimal, and hexadecimal numbers) to their two's complement quickly, accurately, and easily with simple steps.

How to Use the Two's Complement Calculator:

  • Select the input type (binary, decimal or hex)
  • Select standard bit sizes like 4, 8, 12 or 16 bits, or enter a custom bit size
  • Input the value you wish to convert
  • Then our calcualtor will convert the value and displays the result
  • Supported Conversions:

    Binary to Two's Complement:

  • Convert binary numbers to 2's complement by flipping all bits and adding 1.
  • Decimal to Two's Complement:

  • Convert decimal numbers into binary, and do 1's complement and adding 1 to it.
  • Hexadecimal to Two's Complement:

  • Input a hex value, convert it to binary, and see the two's complement result.
  • Custom Bit Conversions:

  • Our tool supports the custom bit sizes to perform the 2's complement on that sizes
  • FAQS

    What is an 8-bit 2's complement?

    8-bit two's complement means the binary number is represented using 8 bits and the most significant bit (MSB) is used to determine the sign (0 for positive, 1 for negative)

    How does two's complement make binary arithmetic easier?

    Two's complement makes the binary arithmetic simple by allowing addition and subtraction of both positive and negative numbers without separate subtraction logic. This makes digital calculations faster and more efficient.