What is a Reverse Percentage Calculator?
A Reverse Percentage Calculator is an online tool which helps you to find the original value of something before a percentage increase or decrease was applied.
For example, you know the final price of a product after the 20% of discount applied, but you want to know the price of a product before the discount that is the original price, our tool will do the math for you to find out the original price.
This calculator is perfect for anyone looking to:
How to Use the Reverse Percentage Calculator
Formula for Reverse Percentage Calculation
To calculate percentages backwards, we use the following formulas:
For a Percentage Increase:
For a Percentage Decrease:
Examples of Reverse Percentage Calculations
Example for Reverse Percentage Increase:
Example for Reverse Percentage Decrease:
By using our tool, you can quickly find the original value without complicated manual calculations.
How can I find the original value after a percentage decrease?
Use the formula: Original Value = Final Value ÷ (1 - (Percentage Decrease / 100)), but our Reverse Percentage Calculator can do this automatically for you.
How do I calculate percentages backwards?
You need final value and the percentage change to reverse calculate the percentages, simply input these values out tool will calculate the original value easily.