TRIR Calculator

What is the TRIR & How is TRIR Calculated?

TRIR stands for Total Recordable Incident Rate, and the tool which is used to calculate the TRIR is called the TRIR Calculator, This tool is designed to helps the industries or businesses to calculate their total incident rate based on the OSHA standards.

The Formula helps calculate the number of incidents relative to the hours worked by all the employees. The low TRIR rate indicates the safer workplace as per the OSHA.

Simply input the total number of incidents and the total hours worked by all employess, then our tool will instantly calculate the result. The formula for calculating TRIR is: (Number of Recordable Incidents/Total hours worked)*200000


What is TRIR?

TRIR stands for Total Recordable Incident Rate, is a measure of workplace safety which calculates the rate of recordable incidents per 100 full-time workers in a year.

What is considered a recordable incident?

A recordable incident includes work-related injuries or illnesses that require medical treatment beyond first aid, restricted work, lost workdays

What is a good TRIR rate?

Generally a lower TRIR is better, as it indicates fewer incidents per employee hours worked.

What is the OSHA incidence rate calculator?

The OSHA incidence rate calculator is an online tool which is used to calculates various safety metrics, including TRIR, to help organizations evaluate workplace safety.

What is a lost time incident rate calculator?

A lost time incident rate calculator measures the rate of lost time incidents—incidents that result in an employee being unable to work—relative to the total hours worked. This metric is similar to TRIR but focuses on more severe incidents.