DART Rate Calculator

What is DART Rate & Dart Calculator?

DART stands for Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred. It is a metric used by OSHA to measure workplace injuries or illnesses which result in employees missing work, being restricted in their duties, or being transferred to another job.

Our DART Rate Calculator is designed to provide a quickly and accurately DART rate for your company, which helps the companies to calculate the rate of such incidents, per 100 full-time employees.

How to Calculate DART Rate & Dart rate formula?

Use the following formula to calculate the Dart rate, provided by OSHA

DART Rate Formula = (Number of DART incidents×200,000)/Total hours worked by all employees

  • Number of DART Incidents: The number of injuries or illnesses resulting in days away, restricted duty, or job transfer.
  • 200,000: This is a standard OSHA figure that represents 100 employees working 40 hours per week for 50 weeks per year.
  • Total Hours Worked: The total number of hours worked by all employees during the time period you're measuring.
  • Simply input the number of DART incidents and the total hours worked into the calculator, and it will compute the DART rate.


    What is a good DART Rate?

    A good DART rate varies by industry, but generally, a dart rate below 2.0 is excellent. Lower rates indicate fewer workplace incidents,

    What is the OSHA DART Rate?

    The OSHA DART rate is an official metric which is used to track work-related injuries that result in time away from work. OSHA uses this rate to monitor workplace safety across industries.

    Why is it important to track the DART Rate?

    Tracking the DART rate helps organizations identify workplace safety issues and make informed decisions to reduce the number of incidents that lead to restricted workdays.

    What is the DART rate formula?

    DART Rate Formula is (Number of DART incidents×200,000)/Total hours worked by all employees