Korean Age Calculator

What is a Korean Age Calculator?

The Korean Age Calculator helps you determine your age according to the traditional Korean age system, which considers a person to be 1 year old at birth and adds a year every New Year’s Day, regardless of their birth date.

How Does Korean Age Differ from International Age?

In the international age system, age is calculated based on your birth date. However, in Korea, you are considered a year old at birth, and your age increases on January 1st each year, not on your birthday.

How Does the Korean Age System Work?

In Korea, your age is calculated based on the following rules:

  • At birth, you are 1 year old.
  • On January 1st of every year, everyone adds one year to their age, regardless of their actual birth date.
  • For example, If you were born on July 1, 2000, and today is December 31, 2024:
  • Your international age is 24.
  • Your Korean age is 25 (on New Year’s Day 2024).
  • FAQS

    Why is Korean age different?

    Korean age reflects traditional customs where a newborn is considered 1 year old at birth due to the time spent in the womb, and everyone ages together at the start of the new year.

    Is Korean age still used today?

    While the international age system is widely used, Korean age remains common in cultural and social contexts.

    How do I calculate my Korean age manually?

    Take the current year, subtract your birth year, and add 1 to the result.

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